Full Stack, React, Redux, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Python, C, Expo, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, AWS S3, PostGreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Restful API, Unity, Git, OOD, TDD


campsound preview

Ruby on Rails Full-Stack Clone

A sound distribution service like bandcamp.com.

evolution app preview

Vanilla Javascript Game

Made without any libraries or frameworks in a one week sprint.

dreamers app preview

MERN Team Full-Stack

I was Team Lead for an original concept MERN full stack two week sprint.

Flappy Bird Clone

Unity, HTML5.

list app preview

Listing App

Full-Stack, React, Firebase, Node.

twitter clone preview

Frontend Twitter Clone

A clone of Twitter.

api app preview

API Team Project

Choose a color, get a sky.

OnePact Startup Website

As intern, I coded several pages of design files from scratch in a single weekend.

matching app preview


React Native matching site for creatives.

Education & Experience

2021 January | App Academy: A rigorous 1000-hour full-stack software development course with less than 3% acceptance rate. a/A focuses on preparing their students with extensive pair-programming experience and teaches Ruby, Rails, SQL, JS, React, Redux, CSS, Object-Oriented Design, Test-Driven Development, algorithms and data structures.

2018 November | Lambda School: A full-stack program with emphasis on frontend development.

2018 June | OnePact, Inc: Full-stack internship with a startup in the non-profit space.

2018 May | Hi-Tech Software Engineering: A guided, in-person, self-study introduction to full stack engineering.
